Meet Emily Riley
Employed by Arrow Child & Family Ministries
Director of Organizational Improvement
I believe that we are each called to live generously and serve others with the time, resources, and talents with which we have been blessed.
Where do you live?
Kingsville, MD
Where do you work?
Arrow Child & Family Ministries, a not-for-profit child welfare agency that serves to help kids and strengthen families through a continuum of care that includes community based services, foster care and adoption, special education, and residential care for many of the most vulnerable children in Maryland and Texas.
Where did you go to school?
Grove City College, Grove City, PA
What path led you to working with Pushing Pink Elephants?
Many of my loved ones have battled cancer. With life-threatening diagnoses on both sides of my family, I realized that cancer prevention is something I need to take seriously. I thought I was fairly well-educated about cancer prevention and healthy living until my close friend (and Founder of Pushing Pink Elephants) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. Through Erin, I was exposed to an abundance of information that led me to make important changes in my family’s lifestyle. By seeing the positive impact these changes had on my family’s health in a short amount of time, I became passionate about sharing my experiences with healthy living and cancer prevention with others. When Erin shared her vision with me, I was excited for the opportunity to equip others with the resources that have made a huge impact on my overall health.
What excites you most about the work of Pushing Pink Elephants?
I value that Pushing Pink Elephants is made up of a group of everyday people whose passions and experiences can make a difference for others. None of us started this journey as experts, but it's exciting to see how our resources will encourage others just like us to make changes, big and small, to improve their health.
How is serving on the Board of Pushing Pink Elephants helping you to achieve your personal goals?
I believe that we are each called to live generously and serve others with the time, resources, and talents with which we have been blessed. Pushing Pink Elephants is an opportunity for me to encourage others by sharing resources like those that have greatly impacted me.
What do you want to accomplish by serving on the Board?
My primary goal for serving with Pushing Pink Elephants is to lead others to resources like the ones that have influenced me so that they are better educated about cancer prevention and are encouraged to make positive changes that will have a lasting impact on their overall health.
What personal interests are you passionate about?
I love to cook! I try new recipes weekly and enjoy searching for new recipes almost as much as I enjoy making them. I also enjoy reading and always have a stack of books on my nightstand covering everything from historical fiction and chick lit to parenting, healthy living, and faith-based reads.
Where can we find you on a typical weekend?
I love the saying “work hard, play hard!” I work hard during so that my family can enjoy quality time with one another and our friends. We love to play with our Belgian Malinois Jeda, watch movies as a family, and spend time with friends.